Set of Two White Birch
Each: 16 x 20 x 1 inch canvas
Acrylic on Canvas
Birch Tree Paintings – Commission of similar paintings available.
Where I grew up there were more trees than there are now. I remember loving to see the intriguing bark on the white birch trees. Sometimes sections would be peeled away, and trimming it didn’t harm the tree. Then I would make a book mark or similar gift for a friend. A grove of birch trees offers a tranquil place for contemplation.
Painted on a one inch canvas, using a variety of techniques including a pallet knife and brushes.
The rays of the sun seem to be peeking through and the colors of fall are seen in the distance. As the fall colors are not dominant, it remains neutral.
Save 20% off the price of individual 16 x 20 acrylic paintings.