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Award Winning Art: Why 3D and More:

About AK Nielsen

Award Winning Art Award Winning Art: Mrs. Larson, my grade 3 teacher, entered the best art in the local fair. Winning pieces went on to the Edmonton Exhibition. I (Kristi) won my first “First Prize” at 9 and entered every category, every year thereafter.

More Award Winning Art: When I was 12, I designed a crest for the Fire Department, which was used for 50 years. Over the years I have celebrated my artistic abilities through a wide variety of entrepreneurial ventures – such as owning a Flower Shop.

What is 3D Art?

Award Winning ArtGlass or high definition acrylic layers allows special effects, bringing a dimension to each art piece that cannot be achieved on a single sheet of paper or canvas. In addition to multiple surfaces, 3D findings or creations are added to some pieces to create additional depth.

The 3D effect draws the viewer into the art, in a way that is not possible with 2D.  3D evokes emotion and invites dialogue and discussion. While many 2D pieces have been Award Winning Art, can you imagine the possibilities when I do art in 3D?

The 3D Advantage

Award Winning ArtThe real world is 3D. Perspective is life affirming. Through highly textured, luminous and transparent layers and the manipulation of mediums allows the artist to draw the viewer into a world of intrigue.

Sometimes when an artist critiques their own work they don’t see it as award winning art. Another artist critiquing one of my pieces said, “I love the way aspects of the Blue Boy seem to defy gravity and as I change position, they come together to connect very naturally. It provides intrigue, an illusion, and connection. Making it a whimsical piece of art.”

The Missing Piece

Creating a 3D, multi-layered, art piece is accomplished by creating 2 or 3 pieces of art and then transposing them on top of one another to complete the picture.The paint and mediums used on one layer creates shadows on the previous layer.

As your lighting, or the viewers angle changes, so do the shadows, creating a very life like 3D effect.   As an Artist, I often enjoy adding some whimsical aspect to my art pieces. 3D offers opportunities to take art to another level.

Nature Your Way

I love the outdoors and have a special interest in bringing the outdoors into your home or office. Whether it is 3D, acrylic on canvas or watercolors bringing life, love and memories to your home through art works makes your home or office more personally yours.

I can bring calm, or induce excitement through my keen eye for color and concept. Check out my Instragram and comment to tell me which pieces you believe are award winning art.

Five A's

Art, transparent Acrylic sheets, Acrylic Paint, Award Winning Art and Abstract are all in my wheelhouse. Whether it is high definition, or glass, used to create 3D or acrylic paint on a canvas, I can offer options to match your goals. I love to experiment with abstract whether it is 2D or 3D, however, I equally enjoy creating evocative, purposely imperfect, transformative interpretations of nature.

I had the experience of producing award winning art in my childhood, and any artist strives to produce award winning art, although I have not gone the route of seeking out awards in my adulthood. It is never too late.

Kristi's Color Palette

I love color and believe there are colors for every mood and environment. Vibrant colors evoke passion, excitement and elevate moods. Cooler colors soothe. Natures colors invite a whole range of tactile and sensual experiences. Softer neutral colors evoke a sense of calm and serenity.

Expressing creativity while playing with color ignites my passion for artistic expression. Whether the piece that speaks to you is a piece award winning art, or a piece that appeals to you on a personal level, investing in art enriches your home.

More Options

See something but it isn’t quite the right piece of art for you? Commission me to create a piece with your colors, or to include or exclude certain aspects. Better yet – Consult with me and I will create Gallery Wall, themed to fit your life and your space. I love to work with Home Stagers or Interior Designers.

Check out my Instagram and tell me which pieces you feel are award winning art.


I invite you to collaborate. Custom pieces are a good way of getting the color palette for your room and does not necessarily cost more than choosing a piece from my present portfolio. I welcome individuals, corporations, Interior Designers or an art aficionados.

While I can meet many different needs, I also can refer you to an artist which fits your style, if you are looking for something which is outside my scope of practice. I offer discounts on purchases of gallery wall groupings or recurring customers. It is all about building relationships, and I am always open to connecting to artist who produce award winning art.

Award Winning Art:

Artists who pursue awards, often build their art profile more quickly. Some artists are less driving to compete for this type of notoriety. I have to admit is has not been a goal of mine as an adult, however, perhaps in this modern world of online marketing it may be something I need to pursue again.

What My Customers Say

Kristi is one of the most creative people I have ever met. I was at a complete loss when it came to livening up my office. I needed it to be suitable for my clients, while expressing my own style in a way that wasn’t going to be too personal. Consulting with Kristi enabled me to choose a piece of art which was suitable for a professional office – while being cognizant of my personality, likes and dislikes. 5 Stars from me 🙂
Daniel Happy Customer